International cooperation with the U.S. has become significantly more complicated in times of the Trump administration.
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The “Gilets Jaunes”: The individuals caught between multilateralism and every day life
by Evelyn Shiby Evelyn ShiThough decreasing in number, the “Gilets Jaunes” protests have led to increased violence in the last weeks, forcing Macron into an interim suspension of his reform agenda.
The United Kingdom is due to withdraw from the European Union in March 2019. But why?
If you have been paying attention to western media coverage of the Brazilian elections, you would probably think that Brazil, along with Britain, the US and the Philippines, has gone off the right-wing cliff and is about to crash and burn.
In the last article focused on the road that led to Brazil’s current political, economical and social situation. Now the country is faced with two options for its top leadership that aren’t remotely similar.