In the last few weeks, the spotlight of international debate shifted away from Syria and focused instead on the events related to North Korea.
Marian Fritz

Marian Fritz
Marian Fritz is a former Treasurer of Munich European Forum e.V.
Monthly Mind
Showdown or Just Hot Air? The South Chinese Sea Conflict
by Marian Fritzby Marian FritzSince the end of the Cold War era, armed conflict between superpowers seems to be a thing of the past.
Monthly Mind
Crisis in Yemen: an Opportunity for the League of Arab States?
by Marian Fritzby Marian FritzThe insurgency by the Houthi rebels in Yemen may be far away but it has the potential to affect us all.
A week ago, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Junker suggested that EU member states start building up a European army.
Monthly Mind
A Common Defense and Security Policy for Europe: a Mission Impossible?
by Marian Fritzby Marian FritzIn these times of continually sinking military budgets and as international terrorism becomes an ever more pressing threat, the members states of the European Union need to adopt a new commitment to deepening European Integration.
The State of Iraq is thrown in turmoil and the situation is highly dangerous for the security situation of the region and the entire world.